More in Common

Web site:

More in Common was founded in the aftermath of the tragic murder of Jo Cox MP in 2016. More in Common takes its name from Jo’s maiden speech in Parliament where she said: "We are far more united and have far more in common than that which divides us." Their hope is that through their work, their honour Jo's memory and legacy.

Voting intention polls

There are no voting intention polls for this data provider in the given date range.

Mar 26 2025Mar 22 - 24Data24%(-1)25%(+1)12%(=)3%(+1)24%(-1)10%(+3)1%(=)3%(-1)1
Mar 19 2025Mar 14 - 17Data25%(=)24%(+1)12%(-2)2%(=)25%(=)7%(-1)1%(=)4%(+2)Tie
Mar 12 2025Mar 7 - 10Data25%(-1)23%(-1)14%(+1)2%(=)25%(+1)8%(+1)1%(=)2%(=)Tie
Mar 5 2025Feb 28 - Mar 2Data26%(+3)24%(-1)13%(-3)2%(=)24%(=)7%(-1)1%(+1)2%(=)2
Feb 26 2025Feb 21 - 24Data23%(-2)25%(+2)16%(+4)2%(=)24%(-2)8%(+1)0%(-1)2%(-1)1
Feb 18 2025Feb 14 - 18Data25%(=)23%(=)12%(=)2%(=)26%(+1)7%(-1)1%(=)3%(=)1
Feb 12 2025Feb 7 - 10Data25%(+1)23%(-3)12%(-1)2%(-1)25%(+1)8%(+2)1%(=)3%(=)Tie
Feb 4 2025Jan 31 - Feb 3Data24%(-1)26%(+2)13%(=)3%(+1)24%(-1)6%(-1)1%(=)3%(=)2
Jan 29 2025Jan 24 - 27Data25%(+1)24%(-1)13%(+1)2%(-1)25%(=)7%(=)1%(=)3%(=)Tie
Jan 21 2025Jan 17 - 20Data24%(=)25%(=)12%(=)3%(=)25%(+1)7%(-1)1%(=)3%(=)Tie
Jan 13 2025Jan 10 - 13Data24%(-2)25%(-1)12%(=)3%(=)24%(+2)8%(+1)1%(=)3%(+1)1
Jan 9 2025Jan 6 - 8Data26%(=)26%(=)12%(-1)3%(=)22%(+3)7%(-1)1%(=)2%(-2)Tie
Dec 11 2024Dec 6 - 10Data26%(=)26%(-2)13%(=)3%(=)19%(-2)8%(+1)1%(=)4%(+2)Tie
Dec 3 2024Nov 29 - Dec 2Data26%(-1)28%(-2)13%(+1)3%(+1)21%(+3)7%(-1)1%(=)2%(=)2
Nov 28 2024Nov 26 - 27Data27%(+2)30%(+2)12%(-1)2%(-1)18%(-1)8%(=)1%(=)2%(-1)3
Nov 22 2024Nov 19 - 21Data25%(-2)28%(-1)13%(+2)3%(+1)19%(=)8%(=)1%(=)3%(-1)3
Nov 12 2024Nov 8 - 11Data27%(-1)29%(+3)11%(-3)2%(-1)19%(+1)8%(=)1%(=)4%(+1)2
Nov 3 2024Oct 30 - Nov 1Data28%(+1)26%(-1)14%(+1)3%(+1)18%(-3)8%(+1)1%(=)3%(+2)2
Oct 13 2024Oct 9 - 10Data27%(-2)27%(-1)13%(+2)2%(=)21%(+2)7%(=)1%(+1)1%(-2)Tie
Oct 8 2024Oct 5 - 7Data29%(-1)28%(+2)11%(-2)2%(-1)19%(+1)7%(-1)0%(-1)3%(+1)1
Sep 27 2024Sep 24 - 25Data30%(+1)26%(+1)13%(-1)3%(=)18%(=)8%(=)1%(=)2%(-2)4
Sep 13 2024Sep 10 - 12Data29%25%14%3%18%8%1%4%4

Seat projection sets

There are no projection sets for this data provider in the given date range.

Abbr.Dates LabConsLDSNPRefGreenPCSFDUPSDLPUUPAllianceTUVIndOthern/a
More in Common Dec 2024
Data Article
MIC1Dec 28 2024
Oct 31 - Dec 16
Pre-2029 Pre-20294041217294447521111311
2019 (notional)2019200372848012782010010

By constituency

Constituency20192024Pre-2029 MIC1
Aberafan MaestegLabLabLabLean Ref
Aberdeen NorthSNPSNPSNPLikely SNP
Aberdeen SouthSNPSNPSNPSafe SNP
Aberdeenshire North and Moray EastConsSNPSNPSafe SNP
Airdrie and ShottsSNPLabLabSafe SNP
AldershotConsLabLabLikely Lab
Aldridge-BrownhillsConsConsConsSafe Cons
Alloa and GrangemouthSNPLabLabLikely SNP
Altrincham and Sale WestConsLabLabSafe Lab
Alyn and DeesideLabLabLabSafe Lab
Amber ValleyConsLabLabSafe Ref
Angus and Perthshire GlensSNPSNPSNPSafe SNP
Arbroath and Broughty FerrySNPSNPSNPSafe SNP
Argyll, Bute and South LochaberSNPSNPSNPSafe SNP
Arundel and South DownsConsConsConsSafe Cons
AshfieldConsRefRefSafe Ref
AshfordConsLabLabSafe Cons
Ashton-under-LyneLabLabLabSafe Ref
AylesburyConsLabLabSafe Cons
Ayr, Carrick and CumnockSNPLabLabLean SNP
BanburyConsLabLabLikely Cons
Bangor AberconwyConsLabLabSafe Lab
BarkingLabLabLabSafe Lab
Barnsley NorthLabLabLabSafe Ref
Barnsley SouthLabLabLabSafe Ref
Barrow and FurnessConsLabLabLean Cons
Basildon and BillericayConsConsConsSafe Cons
BasingstokeConsLabLabSafe Lab
BassetlawConsLabLabSafe Ref
Bathgate and LinlithgowSNPLabLabLean SNP
BatterseaLabLabLabSafe Lab
BeaconsfieldConsConsConsSafe Cons
Beckenham and PengeLabLabLabSafe Lab
BedfordLabLabLabSafe Lab
Belfast NorthSFSFSF
Belfast South and Mid DownSDLPSDLPSDLP
Belfast WestSFSFSF
Bermondsey and Old SouthwarkLabLabLabSafe Lab
Berwickshire, Roxburgh and SelkirkConsConsConsSafe Cons
Bethnal Green and StepneyLabLabLabLikely Lab
Beverley and HoldernessConsConsConsSafe Cons
Bexhill and BattleConsConsConsSafe Cons
Bexleyheath and CrayfordConsLabLabLikely Cons
Bicester and WoodstockConsLDLDLean Cons
BirkenheadLabLabLabSafe Lab
Birmingham EdgbastonLabLabLabSafe Lab
Birmingham ErdingtonLabLabLabSafe Lab
Birmingham Hall Green and MoseleyLabLabLabLikely Other
Birmingham Hodge Hill and Solihull NorthLabLabLabLean Ref
Birmingham LadywoodLabLabLabSafe Lab
Birmingham NorthfieldConsLabLabLikely Lab
Birmingham Perry BarrLabIndIndSafe Other
Birmingham Selly OakLabLabLabSafe Lab
Birmingham YardleyLabLabLabLean Lab
Bishop AucklandConsLabLabSafe Cons
BlackburnLabIndIndSafe Other
Blackley and Middleton SouthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Blackpool North and FleetwoodConsLabLabLean Ref
Blackpool SouthConsLabLabSafe Ref
Blaenau Gwent and RhymneyLabLabLabLean Lab
Blaydon and ConsettLabLabLabSafe Lab
Blyth and AshingtonLabLabLabLikely Ref
Bognor Regis and LittlehamptonConsConsConsSafe Cons
BolsoverConsLabLabSafe Ref
Bolton North EastConsLabLabSafe Ref
Bolton South and WalkdenLabLabLabSafe Ref
Bolton WestConsLabLabSafe Cons
BootleLabLabLabSafe Lab
Boston and SkegnessConsRefRefSafe Ref
Bournemouth EastConsLabLabSafe Cons
Bournemouth WestConsLabLabLean Cons
BracknellConsLabLabLean Cons
Bradford EastLabLabLabLikely Lab
Bradford SouthLabLabLabSafe Ref
Bradford WestLabLabLabSafe Other
BraintreeConsConsConsSafe Cons
Brecon, Radnor and Cwm TaweConsLDLDLikely LD
Brent EastLabLabLabSafe Lab
Brent WestLabLabLabSafe Lab
Brentford and IsleworthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Brentwood and OngarConsConsConsSafe Cons
BridgendConsLabLabSafe Lab
BridgwaterConsConsConsLean Cons
Bridlington and The WoldsConsConsConsSafe Cons
Brigg and ImminghamConsConsConsSafe Cons
Brighton Kemptown and PeacehavenLabLabLabSafe Lab
Brighton PavilionGreenGreenGreenSafe Green
Bristol CentralLabGreenGreenSafe Green
Bristol EastLabLabLabSafe Lab
Bristol North EastLabLabLabSafe Lab
Bristol North WestLabLabLabSafe Lab
Bristol SouthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Broadland and FakenhamConsConsConsSafe Cons
Bromley and Biggin HillConsConsConsSafe Cons
BromsgroveConsConsConsSafe Cons
BroxbourneConsConsConsSafe Cons
BroxtoweConsLabLabSafe Lab
Buckingham and BletchleyConsLabLabSafe Cons
BurnleyConsLabIndSafe Ref
Burton and UttoxeterConsLabLabSafe Cons
Bury NorthConsLabLabSafe Lab
Bury SouthConsLabLabSafe Lab
Bury St Edmunds and StowmarketConsLabLabSafe Cons
CaerfyrddinConsPCPCSafe PC
CaerphillyLabLabLabSafe Lab
Caithness, Sutherland and Easter RossSNPLDLDSafe LD
Calder ValleyConsLabLabSafe Lab
Camborne and RedruthConsLabLabSafe Cons
CambridgeLabLabLabSafe Lab
Cannock ChaseConsLabLabLean Ref
CanterburyLabLabIndSafe Lab
Cardiff EastLabLabLabLikely Lab
Cardiff NorthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Cardiff South and PenarthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Cardiff WestLabLabLabSafe Lab
CarlisleConsLabLabSafe Cons
Carshalton and WallingtonConsLDLDSafe LD
Castle PointConsConsConsSafe Cons
Central AyrshireSNPLabLabSafe SNP
Central DevonConsConsConsSafe Cons
Central Suffolk and North IpswichConsConsConsSafe Cons
Ceredigion PreseliPCPCPCSafe PC
Chatham and AylesfordConsLabLabSafe Cons
CheadleConsLDLDSafe LD
ChelmsfordConsLDLDSafe LD
Chelsea and FulhamConsLabLabSafe Lab
CheltenhamConsLDLDSafe LD
Chesham and AmershamConsLDLDSafe LD
Chester North and NestonLabLabLabSafe Lab
Chester South and EddisburyConsConsConsSafe Cons
ChesterfieldLabLabLabLikely Lab
ChichesterConsLDLDLean LD
Chingford and Woodford GreenConsConsConsSafe Cons
ChippenhamConsLDLDSafe LD
Chipping BarnetConsLabLabLikely Lab
ChristchurchConsConsConsSafe Cons
Cities of London and WestminsterConsLabLabSafe Lab
City of DurhamLabLabLabSafe Lab
ClactonConsRefRefSafe Ref
Clapham and Brixton HillLabLabLabSafe Lab
Clwyd EastConsLabLabSafe Lab
Clwyd NorthConsLabLabLean Lab
Coatbridge and BellshillSNPLabLabLikely SNP
ColchesterConsLabLabSafe Lab
Colne ValleyConsLabLabLikely Cons
CongletonConsLabLabSafe Cons
Corby and East NorthamptonshireConsLabLabLean Cons
Coventry EastLabLabLabSafe Lab
Coventry North WestLabLabLabSafe Lab
Coventry SouthLabLabIndSafe Lab
Cowdenbeath and KirkcaldySNPLabLabLean SNP
Cramlington and KillingworthLabLabLabSafe Lab
CrawleyConsLabLabSafe Lab
Crewe and NantwichConsLabLabSafe Lab
Croydon EastLabLabLabSafe Lab
Croydon SouthConsConsConsSafe Cons
Croydon WestLabLabLabSafe Lab
Cumbernauld and KirkintillochSNPLabLabSafe SNP
Dagenham and RainhamLabLabLabLean Ref
DarlingtonConsLabLabSafe Cons
DartfordConsLabLabSafe Cons
DaventryConsConsConsSafe Cons
Derby NorthConsLabLabSafe Lab
Derby SouthLabLabLabLikely Lab
Derbyshire DalesConsLabLabSafe Cons
Dewsbury and BatleyLabIndIndSafe Other
Didcot and WantageConsLDLDLikely LD
Doncaster CentralLabLabLabSafe Ref
Doncaster East and the Isle of AxholmeConsLabLabLikely Ref
Doncaster NorthLabLabLabLikely Ref
Dorking and HorleyConsLDLDLean Cons
Dover and DealConsLabLabLean Lab
Droitwich and EveshamConsConsConsSafe Cons
DudleyConsLabLabLikely Ref
Dulwich and West NorwoodLabLabLabSafe Lab
Dumfries and GallowayConsConsConsLean Cons
Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and TweeddaleConsConsConsLean Cons
Dundee CentralSNPSNPSNPSafe SNP
Dunfermline and DollarSNPLabLabLean SNP
Dunstable and Leighton BuzzardConsLabLabSafe Cons
Dwyfor MeirionnyddPCPCPCSafe PC
Ealing Central and ActonLabLabLabSafe Lab
Ealing NorthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Ealing SouthallLabLabLabSafe Lab
Earley and WoodleyConsLabLabSafe Cons
EasingtonLabLabLabSafe Ref
East Grinstead and UckfieldConsConsConsSafe Cons
East HamLabLabLabSafe Lab
East HampshireConsConsConsSafe Cons
East Kilbride and StrathavenSNPLabLabLean SNP
East LondonderryDUPDUPDUP
East RenfrewshireSNPLabLabSafe Lab
East SurreyConsConsConsSafe Cons
East ThanetConsLabLabSafe Ref
East WiltshireConsConsConsSafe Cons
East Worthing and ShorehamConsLabLabSafe Lab
EastbourneConsLDLDSafe LD
EastleighConsLDLDSafe Cons
Edinburgh East and MusselburghSNPLabLabSafe Lab
Edinburgh North and LeithSNPLabLabSafe Lab
Edinburgh SouthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Edinburgh South WestSNPLabLabSafe Lab
Edinburgh WestLDLDLDSafe LD
Edmonton and Winchmore HillLabLabLabSafe Lab
Ellesmere Port and BromboroughLabLabLabSafe Lab
Eltham and ChislehurstConsLabLabSafe Lab
Ely and East CambridgeshireConsLDLDSafe LD
Enfield NorthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Epping ForestConsConsConsSafe Cons
Epsom and EwellConsLDLDLean Cons
ErewashConsLabLabLikely Ref
Erith and ThamesmeadLabLabLabSafe Lab
Esher and WaltonConsLDLDSafe LD
ExeterLabLabLabSafe Lab
Exmouth and Exeter EastConsConsConsSafe Cons
FalkirkSNPLabLabSafe SNP
Fareham and WaterloovilleConsConsConsSafe Cons
Farnham and BordonConsConsConsSafe Cons
Faversham and Mid KentConsConsConsSafe Cons
Feltham and HestonLabLabLabSafe Lab
Fermanagh and South TyroneSFSFSF
Filton and Bradley StokeConsLabLabSafe Lab
Finchley and Golders GreenConsLabLabSafe Lab
Folkestone and HytheConsLabLabLikely Ref
Forest of DeanConsLabLabSafe Cons
Frome and East SomersetConsLDLDSafe LD
FyldeConsConsConsSafe Cons
GainsboroughConsConsConsSafe Cons
Gateshead Central and WhickhamLabLabLabSafe Lab
GedlingConsLabLabSafe Lab
Gillingham and RainhamConsLabLabSafe Cons
Glasgow EastSNPLabLabSafe SNP
Glasgow NorthSNPLabLabLikely SNP
Glasgow North EastSNPLabLabSafe SNP
Glasgow SouthSNPLabLabLikely Lab
Glasgow South WestSNPLabLabSafe SNP
Glasgow WestSNPLabLabLean Lab
Glastonbury and SomertonConsLDLDLikely LD
Glenrothes and Mid FifeSNPLabLabSafe SNP
GloucesterConsLabLabLikely Cons
Godalming and AshConsConsConsSafe Cons
Goole and PocklingtonConsConsConsSafe Cons
Gordon and BuchanConsConsConsSafe SNP
Gorton and DentonLabLabIndSafe Lab
GosportConsConsConsSafe Cons
GowerLabLabLabSafe Lab
Grantham and BourneConsConsConsSafe Cons
GraveshamConsLabLabSafe Cons
Great Grimsby and CleethorpesConsLabLabSafe Ref
Great YarmouthConsRefIndSafe Ref
Greenwich and WoolwichLabLabLabSafe Lab
GuildfordConsLDLDSafe LD
Hackney North and Stoke NewingtonLabLabLabSafe Lab
Hackney South and ShoreditchLabLabLabSafe Lab
HalesowenConsLabLabLikely Cons
HalifaxLabLabLabLean Ref
Hamble ValleyConsConsConsSafe Cons
Hamilton and Clyde ValleySNPLabLabLean SNP
Hammersmith and ChiswickLabLabLabSafe Lab
Hampstead and HighgateLabLabLabSafe Lab
Harborough, Oadby and WigstonConsConsConsSafe Cons
HarlowConsLabLabSafe Cons
Harpenden and BerkhamstedConsLDLDSafe LD
Harrogate and KnaresboroughConsLDLDSafe LD
Harrow EastConsConsConsSafe Cons
Harrow WestLabLabLabSafe Lab
HartlepoolLabLabLabSafe Ref
Harwich and North EssexConsConsConsSafe Cons
Hastings and RyeConsLabLabLean Lab
HavantConsConsConsSafe Cons
Hayes and HarlingtonLabLabIndSafe Lab
Hazel GroveConsLDLDSafe LD
Hemel HempsteadConsLabLabLikely Cons
HendonConsLabLabLikely Cons
Henley and ThameConsLDLDLean LD
Hereford and South HerefordshireConsConsConsSafe Cons
Herne Bay and SandwichConsConsConsSafe Cons
Hertford and StortfordConsLabLabLean Cons
HertsmereConsConsConsSafe Cons
HexhamConsLabLabSafe Cons
Heywood and Middleton NorthLabLabLabSafe Ref
High PeakConsLabLabSafe Lab
Hinckley and BosworthConsConsConsSafe Cons
HitchinConsLabLabSafe Lab
Holborn and St PancrasLabLabLabSafe Lab
Honiton and SidmouthConsLDLDSafe LD
Hornchurch and UpminsterConsConsConsSafe Cons
Hornsey and Friern BarnetLabLabLabSafe Lab
HorshamConsLDLDSafe Cons
Houghton and Sunderland SouthLabLabLabSafe Ref
Hove and PortsladeLabLabLabSafe Lab
HuddersfieldLabLabLabSafe Lab
HuntingdonConsConsConsSafe Cons
HyndburnConsLabLabLikely Ref
Ilford NorthLabLabLabLikely Other
Ilford SouthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Inverclyde and Renfrewshire WestSNPLabLabSafe SNP
Inverness, Skye and West Ross-shireSNPLDLDLikely SNP
IpswichConsLabLabSafe Lab
Isle of Wight EastConsConsConsSafe Cons
Isle of Wight WestConsLabLabSafe Cons
Islington NorthLabIndIndLikely Other
Islington South and FinsburyLabLabLabSafe Lab
Jarrow and Gateshead EastLabLabLabLikely Ref
Keighley and IlkleyConsConsConsSafe Cons
Kenilworth and SouthamConsConsConsSafe Cons
Kensington and BayswaterLabLabLabSafe Lab
KetteringConsLabLabSafe Cons
Kilmarnock and LoudounSNPLabLabSafe SNP
Kingston and SurbitonLDLDLDSafe LD
Kingston upon Hull EastLabLabLabSafe Ref
Kingston upon Hull North and CottinghamLabLabLabSafe Lab
Kingston upon Hull West and HaltempriceConsLabLabSafe Ref
Kingswinford and South StaffordshireConsConsConsSafe Cons
KnowsleyLabLabLabSafe Lab
Lagan ValleyDUPAllianceAlliance
Lancaster and WyreConsLabLabSafe Lab
Leeds Central and HeadingleyLabLabLabSafe Lab
Leeds EastLabLabLabSafe Lab
Leeds North EastLabLabLabSafe Lab
Leeds North WestConsLabLabSafe Lab
Leeds SouthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Leeds South West and MorleyConsLabLabLikely Ref
Leeds West and PudseyLabLabLabSafe Lab
Leicester EastLabConsConsSafe Cons
Leicester SouthLabIndIndSafe Other
Leicester WestLabLabLabSafe Lab
Leigh and AthertonConsLabLabLean Ref
LewesConsLDLDSafe LD
Lewisham EastLabLabLabSafe Lab
Lewisham NorthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Lewisham West and East DulwichLabLabLabSafe Lab
Leyton and WansteadLabLabLabSafe Lab
LichfieldConsLabLabSafe Cons
LincolnConsLabLabSafe Lab
Liverpool GarstonLabLabLabSafe Lab
Liverpool RiversideLabLabLabSafe Lab
Liverpool WaltonLabLabLabSafe Lab
Liverpool WavertreeLabLabLabSafe Lab
Liverpool West DerbyLabLabLabSafe Lab
LivingstonSNPLabLabSafe SNP
LlanelliLabLabLabLean Ref
Lothian EastSNPLabLabSafe Lab
LoughboroughConsLabLabLean Cons
Louth and HorncastleConsConsConsSafe Cons
LowestoftConsLabLabSafe Ref
Luton NorthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Luton South and South BedfordshireLabLabLabSafe Lab
MacclesfieldConsLabLabSafe Lab
MaidenheadConsLDLDSafe Cons
Maidstone and MallingConsConsConsSafe Cons
MakerfieldLabLabLabSafe Ref
MaldonConsConsConsSafe Cons
Manchester CentralLabLabLabSafe Lab
Manchester RusholmeLabLabLabSafe Lab
Manchester WithingtonLabLabLabSafe Lab
MansfieldConsLabLabLean Ref
Melksham and DevizesConsLDLDLikely LD
Melton and SystonConsConsConsSafe Cons
Meriden and Solihull EastConsConsConsSafe Cons
Merthyr Tydfil and AberdareLabLabLabLean Lab
Mid and South PembrokeshireConsLabLabLikely Cons
Mid BedfordshireConsConsConsSafe Cons
Mid BuckinghamshireConsConsConsSafe Cons
Mid CheshireConsLabLabSafe Lab
Mid DerbyshireConsLabLabSafe Cons
Mid Dorset and North PooleConsLDLDSafe Cons
Mid DunbartonshireSNPLDLDSafe LD
Mid LeicestershireConsConsConsSafe Cons
Mid NorfolkConsConsConsSafe Cons
Mid SussexConsLDLDSafe LD
Mid UlsterSFSFSF
Middlesbrough and Thornaby EastLabLabLabLean Lab
Middlesbrough South and East ClevelandConsLabLabSafe Cons
MidlothianSNPLabLabLean Lab
Milton Keynes CentralConsLabLabSafe Lab
Milton Keynes NorthConsLabLabSafe Lab
Mitcham and MordenLabLabLabSafe Lab
MonmouthshireConsLabLabSafe Lab
Montgomeryshire and GlyndŵrConsLabLabSafe Lab
Moray West, Nairn and StrathspeySNPSNPSNPSafe SNP
Morecambe and LunesdaleConsLabLabSafe Cons
Motherwell, Wishaw and CarlukeSNPLabLabSafe SNP
Na h-Eileanan an IarSNPLabLabLean Lab
Neath and Swansea EastLabLabLabSafe Lab
New Forest EastConsConsConsSafe Cons
New Forest WestConsConsConsSafe Cons
NewarkConsConsConsSafe Cons
NewburyConsLDLDSafe Cons
Newcastle upon Tyne Central and WestLabLabLabSafe Lab
Newcastle upon Tyne East and WallsendLabLabLabSafe Lab
Newcastle upon Tyne NorthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Newcastle-under-LymeConsLabLabLikely Cons
Newport EastLabLabLabSafe Lab
Newport West and IslwynLabLabLabSafe Lab
Newry and ArmaghSFSFSF
Newton AbbotConsLDLDLean Cons
Newton Aycliffe and SpennymoorConsLabLabLean Ref
Normanton and HemsworthLabLabLabSafe Ref
North Ayrshire and ArranSNPLabLabSafe SNP
North BedfordshireConsConsConsSafe Cons
North CornwallConsLDLDSafe LD
North CotswoldsConsConsConsSafe Cons
North DevonConsLDLDSafe LD
North DorsetConsConsConsSafe Cons
North DownAllianceIndInd
North DurhamLabLabLabLikely Ref
North East CambridgeshireConsConsConsSafe Cons
North East DerbyshireConsLabLabSafe Cons
North East FifeSNPLDLDSafe LD
North East HampshireConsLDLDSafe Cons
North East HertfordshireConsLabLabSafe Cons
North East Somerset and HanhamConsLabLabSafe Cons
North HerefordshireConsGreenGreenSafe Cons
North NorfolkConsLDLDSafe LD
North NorthumberlandConsLabLabLikely Cons
North ShropshireConsLDLDSafe LD
North SomersetConsLabLabSafe Cons
North Warwickshire and BedworthConsLabLabSafe Cons
North West CambridgeshireConsLabLabSafe Cons
North West EssexConsConsConsSafe Cons
North West HampshireConsConsConsSafe Cons
North West LeicestershireConsLabLabSafe Cons
North West NorfolkConsConsConsSafe Cons
Northampton NorthConsLabLabSafe Lab
Northampton SouthConsLabLabSafe Cons
Norwich NorthConsLabLabSafe Lab
Norwich SouthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Nottingham EastLabLabLabSafe Lab
Nottingham North and KimberleyLabLabLabSafe Lab
Nottingham SouthLabLabLabSafe Lab
NuneatonConsLabLabSafe Cons
Old Bexley and SidcupConsConsConsSafe Cons
Oldham East and SaddleworthLabLabLabSafe Ref
Oldham West, Chadderton and RoytonLabLabLabLean Ref
Orkney and ShetlandLDLDLDSafe LD
OrpingtonConsConsConsSafe Cons
Ossett and Denby DaleConsLabLabLikely Cons
Oxford EastLabLabLabSafe Lab
Oxford West and AbingdonLDLDLDSafe LD
Paisley and Renfrewshire NorthSNPLabLabSafe SNP
Paisley and Renfrewshire SouthSNPLabLabLean SNP
PeckhamLabLabLabSafe Lab
Pendle and ClitheroeConsLabLabSafe Cons
Penistone and StocksbridgeConsLabLabSafe Ref
Penrith and SolwayConsLabLabSafe Cons
Perth and Kinross-shireSNPSNPSNPSafe SNP
PeterboroughConsLabLabSafe Cons
Plymouth Moor ViewConsLabLabSafe Ref
Plymouth Sutton and DevonportLabLabLabSafe Lab
Pontefract, Castleford and KnottingleyLabLabLabSafe Ref
PontypriddLabLabLabSafe Lab
PooleConsLabLabSafe Cons
Poplar and LimehouseLabLabIndSafe Lab
Portsmouth NorthConsLabLabSafe Cons
Portsmouth SouthLabLabLabSafe Lab
PrestonLabLabLabSafe Lab
PutneyLabLabLabSafe Lab
Queen's Park and Maida ValeLabLabLabSafe Lab
Rawmarsh and ConisbroughLabLabLabSafe Ref
Rayleigh and WickfordConsConsConsSafe Cons
Reading CentralLabLabLabSafe Lab
Reading West and Mid BerkshireConsLabLabLikely Cons
RedcarConsLabLabLean Cons
RedditchConsLabLabSafe Cons
ReigateConsConsConsSafe Cons
Rhondda and OgmoreLabLabLabLikely Ref
Ribble ValleyConsLabLabSafe Cons
Richmond and NorthallertonConsConsConsSafe Cons
Richmond ParkLDLDLDSafe LD
RochdaleLabLabLabLean Lab
Rochester and StroodConsLabLabLean Ref
RomfordConsConsConsSafe Cons
Romsey and Southampton NorthConsConsConsSafe Cons
Rossendale and DarwenConsLabLabSafe Cons
Rother ValleyConsLabLabSafe Ref
RotherhamLabLabLabSafe Ref
RugbyConsLabLabLean Cons
Ruislip, Northwood and PinnerConsConsConsSafe Cons
Runcorn and HelsbyLabLabSafe Lab
Runnymede and WeybridgeConsConsConsSafe Cons
RushcliffeConsLabLabSafe Lab
RutherglenSNPLabLabLean Lab
Rutland and StamfordConsConsConsSafe Cons
SalfordLabLabLabSafe Lab
SalisburyConsConsConsSafe Cons
Scarborough and WhitbyConsLabLabSafe Cons
ScunthorpeConsLabLabLean Ref
Sefton CentralLabLabLabSafe Lab
SelbyConsLabLabSafe Lab
SevenoaksConsConsConsSafe Cons
Sheffield Brightside and HillsboroughLabLabLabSafe Lab
Sheffield CentralLabLabLabSafe Lab
Sheffield HallamLabLabLabSafe Lab
Sheffield HeeleyLabLabLabSafe Lab
Sheffield South EastLabLabLabSafe Lab
Sherwood ForestConsLabLabSafe Cons
ShipleyConsLabLabSafe Lab
ShrewsburyConsLabLabSafe Lab
Sittingbourne and SheppeyConsLabLabLikely Cons
Skipton and RiponConsConsConsSafe Cons
Sleaford and North HykehamConsConsConsSafe Cons
SloughLabLabLabSafe Lab
SmethwickLabLabLabSafe Lab
Solihull West and ShirleyConsConsConsSafe Cons
South Basildon and East ThurrockConsRefRefSafe Ref
South CambridgeshireConsLDLDSafe LD
South CotswoldsConsLDLDSafe LD
South DerbyshireConsLabLabSafe Cons
South DevonConsLDLDSafe LD
South DorsetConsLabLabSafe Cons
South DownSFSFSF
South East CornwallConsLabLabSafe Cons
South Holland and The DeepingsConsConsConsSafe Cons
South LeicestershireConsConsConsSafe Cons
South NorfolkConsLabLabSafe Cons
South NorthamptonshireConsConsConsSafe Cons
South RibbleConsLabLabSafe Lab
South ShieldsLabLabLabSafe Ref
South ShropshireConsConsConsSafe Cons
South SuffolkConsConsConsSafe Cons
South West DevonConsConsConsSafe Cons
South West HertfordshireConsConsConsSafe Cons
South West NorfolkConsLabLabLean Cons
South West WiltshireConsConsConsSafe Cons
Southampton ItchenConsLabLabSafe Lab
Southampton TestLabLabLabSafe Lab
Southend East and RochfordConsLabLabSafe Cons
Southend West and LeighConsLabLabSafe Cons
Southgate and Wood GreenLabLabLabSafe Lab
SouthportConsLabLabLean Lab
SpelthorneConsConsConsSafe Cons
Spen ValleyConsLabLabSafe Ref
St AlbansLDLDLDSafe LD
St Austell and NewquayConsLabLabSafe Cons
St Helens NorthLabLabLabSafe Lab
St Helens South and WhistonLabLabLabSafe Lab
St IvesConsLDLDSafe LD
St Neots and Mid CambridgeshireConsLDLDSafe LD
StaffordConsLabLabSafe Cons
Staffordshire MoorlandsConsConsConsSafe Cons
Stalybridge and HydeLabLabLabLean Ref
StevenageConsLabLabSafe Lab
Stirling and StrathallanSNPLabLabSafe SNP
StockportLabLabLabSafe Lab
Stockton NorthLabLabLabLikely Ref
Stockton WestConsConsConsSafe Cons
Stoke-on-Trent CentralConsLabLabSafe Ref
Stoke-on-Trent NorthConsLabLabSafe Ref
Stoke-on-Trent SouthConsLabLabSafe Cons
Stone, Great Wyrley and PenkridgeConsConsConsSafe Cons
StourbridgeConsLabLabSafe Cons
Stratford and BowLabLabLabSafe Lab
Stratford-on-AvonConsLDLDSafe LD
Streatham and Croydon NorthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Stretford and UrmstonLabLabLabSafe Lab
StroudConsLabLabSafe Lab
Suffolk CoastalConsLabLabSafe Cons
Sunderland CentralLabLabLabSafe Ref
Surrey HeathConsLDLDSafe Cons
Sussex WealdConsConsConsSafe Cons
Sutton and CheamConsLDLDSafe LD
Sutton ColdfieldConsConsConsSafe Cons
Swansea WestLabLabLabToss-up Lab
Swindon NorthConsLabLabLean Cons
Swindon SouthConsLabLabSafe Lab
TamworthConsLabLabSafe Cons
TattonConsConsConsSafe Cons
Taunton and WellingtonConsLDLDSafe LD
TelfordConsLabLabSafe Lab
TewkesburyConsLDLDSafe LD
The WrekinConsConsConsSafe Cons
Thirsk and MaltonConsConsConsSafe Cons
Thornbury and YateConsLDLDLean Cons
ThurrockConsLabLabSafe Ref
Tipton and WednesburyConsLabLabSafe Ref
Tiverton and MineheadConsLDLDSafe LD
TonbridgeConsConsConsSafe Cons
TootingLabLabLabSafe Lab
TorbayConsLDLDSafe LD
TorfaenLabLabLabSafe Lab
Torridge and TavistockConsConsConsSafe Cons
TottenhamLabLabLabSafe Lab
Truro and FalmouthConsLabLabSafe Cons
Tunbridge WellsConsLDLDSafe LD
TwickenhamLDLDLDSafe LD
TynemouthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Uxbridge and South RuislipConsLabLabSafe Cons
Vale of GlamorganConsLabLabSafe Lab
Vauxhall and Camberwell GreenLabLabLabSafe Lab
Wakefield and RothwellConsLabLabSafe Lab
WallaseyLabLabLabSafe Lab
Walsall and BloxwichConsLabLabLean Cons
WalthamstowLabLabLabSafe Lab
Warrington NorthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Warrington SouthLabLabLabSafe Lab
Warwick and LeamingtonLabLabLabSafe Lab
Washington and Gateshead SouthLabLabLabSafe Ref
WatfordConsLabLabSafe Lab
Waveney ValleyConsGreenGreenSafe Cons
Weald of KentConsConsConsSafe Cons
Wellingborough and RushdenConsLabLabLikely Ref
Wells and Mendip HillsConsLDLDSafe LD
Welwyn HatfieldConsLabLabSafe Cons
West Aberdeenshire and KincardineConsConsConsToss-up Cons
West BromwichConsLabLabSafe Lab
West DorsetConsLDLDSafe LD
West DunbartonshireSNPLabLabToss-up SNP
West Ham and BecktonLabLabLabSafe Lab
West LancashireLabLabLabSafe Lab
West SuffolkConsConsConsSafe Cons
West TyroneSFSFSF
West WorcestershireConsConsConsSafe Cons
Westmorland and LonsdaleConsLDLDSafe LD
Weston-super-MareConsLabLabLikely Ref
Wetherby and EasingwoldConsConsConsSafe Cons
Whitehaven and WorkingtonConsLabLabSafe Lab
Widnes and HalewoodLabLabLabSafe Lab
WiganLabLabLabLean Lab
WimbledonConsLDLDSafe LD
WinchesterConsLDLDSafe LD
WindsorConsConsConsSafe Cons
Wirral WestLabLabLabSafe Lab
WithamConsConsConsSafe Cons
WitneyConsLDLDLean Cons
WokingConsLDLDSafe LD
WokinghamConsLDLDSafe LD
Wolverhampton North EastConsLabLabLean Ref
Wolverhampton South EastLabLabLabSafe Lab
Wolverhampton WestConsLabLabSafe Lab
WorcesterConsLabLabSafe Lab
Worsley and EcclesLabLabLabSafe Lab
Worthing WestConsLabLabLikely Cons
WrexhamConsLabLabSafe Lab
WycombeConsLabLabSafe Lab
Wyre ForestConsConsConsSafe Cons
Wythenshawe and Sale EastLabLabLabSafe Lab
YeovilConsLDLDSafe LD
Ynys MônConsPCPCLean PC
York CentralLabLabLabSafe Lab
York OuterConsLabLabSafe Lab