Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale

Current MP

Name: David Mundell
Party: Conservative
Who Can I Vote For?
They Work For You

2029 election

No candidates have been declared for 2029 yet.


PredictionPredicted resultDescription
Test: First letterLean LabFirst letter is 'D'
Test: Name lengthLikely IndLength is 39
Near 2024: vote shareLean ConsVote shares: Cons: 36.05%; SNP: 28.05%; Lab: 19.42%
Near 2024: victory chanceToss-up ConsVictory chances: Cons: 48.26%; Lab: 23.43%; SNP: 23.26%

2024 results

Winning party: Conservative
Majority: 4242 (9.59%)
Turnout: 61.49%

David MundellConservative and Unionist Party14999
Kim MarshallScottish National Party (SNP)10757
Daniel ColemanLabour Party10140
David Alexander KirkwoodReform UK3822
Drummond BeggLiberal Democrats2800
Dominic AshmoleScottish Green Party1488
Gareth KirkScottish Family Party208

More details on "Who Can I Vote For?"

2019 notional results

(See the about page for more information about the nature of these results.)

Winning party: Conservative
Majority: 4338 (8.52%)
Turnout: 72%

Scottish Nationalist19311
Liberal Democrats3713